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【世界卓越女企業家】- 李佩珈女士

英國教育園 UK Education Garden 行政總裁李佩珈女士 Ms. Melissa Lee 是 世界卓越女企業家總會 The Association Of The World's Most Outstanding Women Entrepreneurs 的會員,並獲邀擔任 職業和教育管理顧問。


除了教育範疇外,李佩珈女士同樣熱心投入各類社會服務。作為協會會員兼顧問,Melissa 在移居英國後,仍心繫廣大女性的權益,樂意向各專業團隊及擁有抱負的女士,分享其身為女性企業家的各種經驗,為她們提供精準的建議,協助解決事業上,家庭上或個人上所面對的各種問題,使彼此都邁向成功的女性企業家之路。


Melissa Lee, Executive Director of UK Education Garden, is a member of The Association Of The World's Most Outstanding Women Entrepreneurs. She has been invited to be their Careers and Education Management Consultant.

The Association of The World's Most Outstanding Women Entrepreneurs has been established to unite outstanding women entrepreneurs from all over the world. The main objective of the association is to bring inspirational female business leaders together. Being a professional development platform, the association serves as a bridge where they can share their experiences and stories of success, encourage other women to become leaders, and synergize to create business opportunities for each other.

Besides education, Ms. Melissa Lee is keen on serving the community. Being a member and a consultant of the association, Melissa regularly shares her aspirations, experiences, and advice with other outstanding female leaders. Especially after moving to the UK, she understands further that women who are away from their country of origin may need extra advice and support to better grow in terms of careers, family, and personal development. She would love to be the one who gives those supports.

職業和教育管理顧問 Melissa Lee


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