劍橋半馬拉松盛事在剛剛過去的星期日進行,吸引超過10,000位選手參加這場活動。13.1英里的路程途經劍橋著名的歷史地標,包括 King’s College, Jesus Green 和 River Cam。沿途景色如畫,成為活動的一大特色。
The Cambridge Half Marathon took place last Sunday, attracting more than 10,000 runners to the event. The 13.1-mile journey passes Cambridge's famous historic landmarks, including King's College, Jesus Green and River Cam. The picturesque scenery along the way has become a major feature of the event.
We would like to take this opportunity to use this event to encourage students who are preparing for their A-Level and GCSE exams to follow their own pace, prepare well, and work hard to get good grades! UK Education Garden will always offer strong support alongside and run towards the finish line with you!