A parent from France
J'ai beaucoup aimé le cours, car on apprend en s'amusant.
A parent form France
I love the course very much because we have fun while learning.
John Barnett
The Cambridge Academy of English is delighted to have such a professional and caring business partner who the student's interest at the heart of everything they do.
John Barnett
很高興能得到劍橋英語學院 (The Cambridge Academy of English) 如此專業和貼心的合作夥伴 ,讓學生認真及有趣地應付他們所做的每一件事。
From Germany
You are one of the best mentors in my life. I am so grateful to meet you in Cambridge.
來自德國的 Farcia
Lily Hui
Mother of Kevin (aged 12)
"You helped us expand our understanding of Cambridge Education to a level we never thought possible. Thank you, UK Education Garden, for supporting our family in making the important decision about sending our son to a suitable boarding school in the UK. We really couldn't have done it without you!"
Lily Hui
Kevin (12歲)的母親
A parent from South Korea
UK Education Garden spends extra time taking care of my boy's well-being in his boarding school. I have noticed my boy is becoming happier and happier studying in the UK.
陳天行 媽媽
非常感谢佩珈和咔妈 这两周的精心安排和多方照顾。真的很谢谢你们!我们一家在这里度过了舒适而愉悦的一段时光。
Parent from Guangzhou (China)
I would like to thank Melissa and her team for their meticulous planning and care during these two weeks. Thank you very much! My family and I had a great time here.
Laura Davies
I have known Melissa and her team at UK Education Garden for over 3 years. I have always found them hard-working, professional, trustworthy, reliable and very pleasant to deal with. I have no hesitation in recommending this company.
Laura Davies
我認識Melissa和英國教育園團隊超過三年。 我覺得他們勤奮,專業,值得信賴,可靠並且平易近人。
from Japan
I had a fantastic experience in Cambridge doing my research. Thank you so much for all the arrangement, Melissa.
Adam 爸爸
劍橋遊学;升学教育專家 ,感恩认识您!您让我深入了解到英国的教育理念和方法。使我今后对孩子的教育有更多的选择和培养。感谢您!
Adam's dad
Parent form Malaysia
UK Education Garden team, I am grateful for having had a chance of meeting you. Your team has helped me understand the philosophy of education and how teaching and learning work in the UK. That has given me more knowledge on choosing the best education pathway for my child and has enlightened how I should nurture my child.
Jeremy Lee
Student, aged 14 (Hong Kong)
Last summer, I participated in a programme held by Cambridge Academy of English (CAE). It was a three-week course to improve English skills and build relationships with people coming from different nations in a similar age group. To let students learn to be independent, the school provided homestay, learning to be sociable and studying the cultures in Britain.
There were lessons and activities from Monday to Saturday, but free time on Sundays. School started from 9 to 5. The programme started again after dinner at homestay from around 7 to 10:30. The learning environment is very free and non-stressful as it let students learn in a fun and interactive way, such as playing warm-up games.
Students learned English in a more advanced level in the afternoon session, like doing exam papers, practicing English speaking, etc. Hence, students would learn in a more comprehensive and educated way and completely upgrade themselves in different regions. This course wasn't only exam-oriented, but also acted to improve us in English literature and cultural learnings, which I like the most. Students were brought to places like going to the British Museum, watching Shakespeare's plays, experiencing punting, letting students to have some unforgettable memories.
Although this CAE programme has only three weeks, it really gives out knowledgeable experiences to me, and I really appreciate most. It is a wonderful trip and you will regret if you don't try once.
Jeremy Lee
彬彬 媽媽
Mum of a student
Sorry that it seemed we brought your team a lot of trouble. Our son would not have had such a happy and fruitful holiday without you. It left lovely memories for a lifetime for him. I want to express my gratitude to Ms. Bell and the other staff who took care of my son well. He said he loved all of you so much. I wish you all the happiness in the world.
A secondary 6 (year 12) student from Hong Kong
Through the help of UK Education Garden team, I received five university offers in the UK. It is a delightful surprise.
众所周知,英国是一个教育资源丰富、教育理念十分发达的国家。一直以来,我一直希望女儿出国读书,一方面开阔视野,另一方面不知潜意识里是否也想弥补我年轻时错失出国读书机会的遗憾。我一直在想如果没有和UK Education Garden相遇,我孩子学习生活轨迹可能是另外一个样子。直到2018年的某一天,在一个偶然的机会认识了Melissa。
对于出国学习,女儿和我的意见相左,这个年纪的孩子,父母的意见往往造成相反的结果。Melissa了解到我的困惑后,建议让我女儿先来英国上两个星期的Summer Couse,让她切身感受下真实的国外学习生活。Melissa根据我女儿的兴趣爱好和今后升学的意愿推荐了在剑桥CSVPA 2018年暑期的Drama课程。我惊讶地发现,经过两个礼拜的学习,我女儿深深地喜欢上这个地方和这里的学习。当看着女儿和同学相拥哭泣告别的时候,我心中暗喜我和Melissa的“计谋”成功了。
现在女儿已经在CSVPA学习一年多了,在这个过程中,Melissa全方位从孩子办理签证到今后孩子大学申请等方面提供了专业指导和帮助,积极和学校等相关部门沟通、解决我们遇到的实际困难。看到女儿每天开心地在剑桥这个美丽的地方学习生活,我就十分感谢Melissa。某种程度讲,是她专业服务使我孩子做出了改变,让我女儿在最好的年纪能够享受最好的教育。期待今后能从UK Education Garden获得更多教育的资讯和专业的建议。谢谢!
Wang Kin
A parent form China
It is universal knowledge that the UK has a wealth of educational resources and the UK is at the top of the world's teaching philosophy. We always hope our daughter would have a chance to study abroad and to see the world. Besides, it is my childhood dreams unfulfilled. We met Melissa in 2018, and my daughter's story has started to change.
My teenage daughter was not interested in studying in the UK. She always tried to do and think the opposite of what her parents suggested. After talking to Melissa, she suggested that my daughter might be interested in a Cambridge school course in Drama with CSVPA, and it was an excellent chance to let her sample the taste of studying in the UK. It amazed me how much she has grown to love the UK, and she has learnt there after 2 weeks. She even cried when saying good-bye to her classmates. I was so happy why that little secret plan I had with Melissa.
My daughter has studied in CSVPA for 1.5 years, and Melissa has helped with visa application and communication with the school. I cannot describe how much I appreciate Melissa's professional effort to make my daughter enjoy her student life in beautiful Cambridge with world-class education—looking forward to more information and professional advice from UK Education Garden. Thank you!
A student from Hong Kong
I managed to secure 3 offers from top boarding schools for my A level programme. My parents are over the moon. It took us 20 days to decide which one to pay the deposit. Thank you, UK Education Garden.
Jasmin 媽媽
家長 (廣州)
劍橋遊学;升学教育專家 ,非常感谢您们让我真切、深入的了解了剑桥的学校,谢谢您们热情、耐心的陪伴。
Jasmin's mother, from Guangzhou, China
Education experts in Cambridge. Thank you for being sincere and genuine with us and helping us understand Cambridge schools in great depth. Thank you for your generous support, patience and for being always there.
A parent from Shenzhen, China
Thank you, Melissa. You are the most motivated and loving teacher I have ever known.
James Zhang
Father of Amiee (aged 16)
"When Amiee needed advice, UK Education Garden was there to guide my daughter through every step of her study decision-making process. With their help, we managed to get my daughter back on academic track in a few months."
James Zhang
Amiee (16歲) 的父親
Katherine Wong
Student (aged 22)
"I'm so happy I chose to work with UK Education Garden. From the initial consultation through getting my UK postgraduate degree, the service I received was impeccable, and the result brought my vision to life."
Katherine Wong
「我很高興選擇了UK Education Garden的幫助。從最初的諮詢直到獲得英國研究生學位,我得到的服務都是無可挑剔,真正幫助我實現夢想。」
Carol Lau
以為讓仔仔了解世界可以很大,原來回來後,更得着多了份自信及自理能力,更講笑話代入了Harry Potter世界 。
Carol Lau
A parent
I think the experience was just an eye-opener to the world for my son. However, it has turned out that he has become more confident and has acquired better self-management skills. He proudly jokes he is now a character in the world of Harry Potter!
Mia 媽媽
Parent from Guangzhou (China)
Thank you! We had a pleasant, relaxing and cosy journey in Cambridge. We have learned a lot during these two weeks. Melissa, Thank you!
A parent from a corner of Asia
Time flies. My daughter has now studied in Cambridge for a while. We would like to celebrate my daughter's outstanding results in GCSE with you and your family. Further, we cannot show enough gratitude for your help in 2020 in taking good care of my child.
Our daughter is going to start her new school year on 2nd September. We hope that we will have a chance to come to Cambridge to see you and show our gratitude.
Again, on behalf of my husband and our daughter's grandma, thank you so much.
家長 (香港)
2017年,對我或是我的孩子而言,是一個特別難忘的暑假。在英國教育園 的幫助下,我們都過了一個愉快及充實的假期。
一直以來,我都希望讓將要升高中的孩子能到海外讀一次 summer course; 一方面可增廣見聞,另一方面也對他的英語能力作一次軟性的評估。經過朋友介紹,2017年報讀了英國劍橋英語學院 (CAE) 作為第一次海外暑期課程的經驗。
這課程給我最大的驚喜是只得他一個操中文的亞洲人。如此一來,他整個 3星期的學習必需在英語的氛圍中進行。他寄宿在一個英國家庭,他學習自律、管理時間、處理自己日常生活和作息的安排; 並學習與不同國籍的同學交流,彼此合作,生活非常融洽。
三星期過了,學校對他語文能力、合群和性格的評估都很不錯。另一個暑假也即將開始,他與這些外國同學們仍保持聯絡。前段時間,他要做一個關於其他國籍和宗教的研究,他在 whatsapp 中訪問其中的一些外國同學,得到第一手資料,非常寶貴。
我自己已經 25 年沒有踏足劍橋,再次探訪還是非常喜愛這個 人傑地靈、如詩如畫,並不斷孕育知識的地方!
Recommendation from Priest Wong Lai Hing
Parent (Hong Kong)
For both my child and me, we all have an unforgettable summer in 2017. With the help of the UK Education Garden, we had a happy and fruitful holiday.
We had always planned to enrol our child in an overseas summer course to broaden his horizons and see how confident he was with his English. We got to know UK Education Garden and enrolled in Cambridge Academy of English (CAE) for his first overseas summer course experience through a friend.
One of the surprises he had was that he was the only Chinese-speaking Asian, so he immersed himself in a full-on English environment for 3 whole weeks. He stayed with a local host family. He has learned self-discipline and time management. He has also known to study well and get along with classmates from different countries through projects and everyday interactions.
The school gave him excellent feedback upon his language ability, teamwork and characters. After nearly a year, he is still in touch with his classmates who he met in Cambridge. When he did his school project on nationalities and religions, he even messaged some of his classmates for raw data!
The last time I came to Cambridge was 25 years ago. I was still fascinated when I revisited this remarkable and beautiful place that inspired people to learn more about the world.
Parents from Hong Kong
I am CUHK graduate in 1992. I have participated UK work and living sharing session organized by CUHK Alumni last Sat.
I am deeply impressed by your open sharing in how to land a job in the UK as 'fresh' people to a new country and guide us to carefully prepare an impactful CV and keep learning attitude in whatever roles. Your career progression in the UK is inspiring to us.
I have two kids in secondary schools who plan to study in the UK in Sep 2021. With the new offer in BNO, I am struggling to move my whole family to UK or not, or leave two kids there. One of the significant obstacles is getting job opportunities at my age.
I can image several top barriers like language gap, culture gap and working style. Making the initial jump is not an easy step. It looks to me that a senior/manager role is not possible for me in a new culture. No matter how equality is emphasized in a country, Chinese heading western staff is not widely accepted. This is what I learnt from CUHK friends who moved to Canada and Australia to work.
Just find Happy England Facebook, and I will read more sharing from your site.
Lastly, thanks for your effort in taking precious time to prepare a valuable sharing with alumni last Sat.
我於1992年畢業於香港中文大學。我參加了上週六由香港中文大學校友舉辦的英國工作和生活分享會。Melissa 真誠分享最令我印象深刻。例如來到一個新地方怎樣以「新鮮人」的身份在英國找到一份工作,並指導我們怎樣仔細地準備一份具競爭力的履歷,在任何角色下都要保持學習態度。你在英國的身事業發展確實地啟發了我們。
最近找到Happy England Facebook page,而希望可以在那裡看都更多會您們的分享。
Dear Melissa, 好多謝妳! 你們給予女兒的照顧,關心與指導也讓遠在中國的我們更放心,感恩遇到了那麼好的你們,再次感謝,感恩!
A parent from Guangzhou, China
Dear Melissa,
Thank you so much for taking care of my daughter and for all the care and guidance. We had peace of mind because of you. We are grateful.