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Image by Ming Jun Tan



我們知道每一個家庭都是獨一無二的。不論將您深愛的孩子送到英國升學,或是一家移居英國都是一個重大的決定。繁複的過程和不着邊際的資訊總會令本來家庭及工作上經已非常繁忙的家長們感到無從入手和氣餒。 我們的教育顧問和各方面的專家們會在適當的時候與您並肩作出明智的選擇。

We understand every family is unique. Whether sending your loved ones abroad alone or moving aboard as a family? It is already a massive decision to make. Our education consultants and professional specialist are available to help your family make the other daunting tasks of moving to the UK easier by assisting your family in making informed decisions side by side. 

While some families take 2-3 years to plan the move, some may want it happens right away. UK Education Garden would be here for your family through every step. We aim to get to know each family as a unit and every member in a family as closely linked individuals. Each family and each member have their own needs, abilities, and concerns. Our consultants would love to hear all your stories and help you shortlist what suits you the most and how to achieve them step by step. 


Help your family grow 




我們還會建議和輔助學生取得更好的成績,考取心儀的學位。我們希望幫助學生加強他們的優點,改善他們的弱點。英國教育園 (UK Education Garden) 的支援包括提供考試專家 (雅思 IELTS) 英語課程、協助公開考試報名及尋找工作機會。我們的服務以家庭作為單位,服務對象不僅局限於將到英國升學的學生,更會擴展到整個家庭,在相關問題上為每個家庭成員排憂解難。我們希望做到,無論孩子升學或是舉家移居英國,家庭成員都能有良好的身心準備和得着。




一個家庭把孩子送到英國升學或舉家移居英國都是重大和影響深遠的決定。為幫助各家庭準備移居英國,英國教育園 (UK Education Garden) 擁有一個專業的、熱情工作的、經驗豐富的專家網絡,可以就從住宿方案到稅務等問題提供適切的建議和服務。

我們的服務基於家庭的會員身分,英國教育園 (UK Education Garden) 是您們在英國定居的整個過程中的夥伴。當孩子們走進英國優美的校園或家長拿到新居鑰匙之際並不代表我們的服務已經完結。



To let families be well-informed of their situation and whether it is more beneficial to move to the UK in the long run, UK Education Garden has a very committed, experienced, and professional network of specialists who can give on-point suggestions services to issues from housing solutions to taxation. 


The moment your children going inside a school and parents getting the keys to their properties never signifies our services' end on our checklist. Our service offers family membership, and UK Education Garden will be your partner during your whole journey of settling in the UK. We have career coaches who are graduates from top universities in the UK such as Cambridge University, Oxford University, and the University of Edinburgh that help prepare our students for tertiary education and offer help with job searching. Our resourceful financial experts, property experts, and law specialists are also available for you at different stages of your journey in the UK. 




與許多英國學校、頂尖大學和公司一樣,我們已使用微軟 Microsoft Team 作為我們的網上工作學習平台,以幫助學生全面成長,同時家長可方便跟進。由於科技發展迅速,傳統親身面談或上課的限制越來越明顯,每次會面雙方需要花時間和精力準備,尤其是我們的服務對象和們的專家團隊成員均來自不城巿或國家,會面安排會更困難。我們發現,一個綜合和全面的網上工作學習平台最能配合我們的21世紀工作和學習上需要,以及即時傳遞資訊。其他好處包括:

  • 組織學習和升學就業的學習材料:我們的團隊會上傳學習材料,幫助學生/ 家長在個人成長、學術、就業迅速地取得最有用的資訊;

  • 促進小組討論:學生/ 家長和我們的英國升學及職業教練可以隨時隨地互動和交流;

  • 有效組織學生/ 家長上傳文件/ 習作:學生提交功課並留下記錄;

  • 舉行網上會議:面對面的會談更能夠有效地傳達更複雜的問題和達到學習目標;

  • 讓學生熟悉網上學習平台:學生在英國學習時會使用相同或類似的網上學習平台,我們的平台令我們支援的學生領先一步。

Like many schools and top universities, and companies in the UK, we have adapted Microsoft Team as our online platform to help students grow in general. As time is gold and transportation takes up too much unnecessary time and effort when both the families we serve and team members are literally from different areas in Asia Pacific areas, and in the UK, we have found that instead of only calls and emails, an integrated and comprehensive online platform best suits our 21st century needs. Benefits include:

  • organising learning materials regarding further education and career development: our team upload learning materials that help students step up in personal growth and academic-wise;


  • engaging small group discussions: students and our team members can interact and discuss ideas anytime, anywhere;

  • organising student work submission: Students submit their work and leave a record;


  • setting up online meeting: virtual face to face sessions that help getting meanings across effectively for more complicated issues and learning purposes;


  • familiarising students with the learning platform of the future: Students will likely be using the same or similar learning platform when they start studying in the UK; therefore, they are a step ahead




We believe families that have chosen our services support the idea of sustainability. UK Education Garden links up families we serve to form a social network that facilitates preparations before and after landing in the UK. In this network, we hope families can exchange ideas, give each other emotional support, and offer practical and timely help. This network aims to provide a supportive network for the like-minded.


這是英國教育園 (UK Education Garden) 的非牟利服務之一。我們統籌志同道合的家長和圖書管理員,以義務的方式運作中文童書兒童家長會。過去在漢語環境生活,我們明白學習中文,承傳文化,對一家移居英國的家庭來說有一定的重要性和難度,其中就是缺乏語境和合適的教材。成立初階段我們主要幫助在英國生活的家庭選擇及購買適當的繁體字中文童書,及籌備專業說書人網上說故事和做與書籍有關之伸延活動。


It is a UK Education Garden sponsored service. Our founders grew up in Hong Kong and understand the beauty of books and traditional Chinese. We mobilise parent volunteers to support the running of the club. UK Education Garden understands parents' concern would be the lack of language learning contexts when they move to the UK. Our book club initially supports mainly traditional Chinese storybooks ordering. We have a recommended list compiled by an experienced librarian and our other volunteers. We believe in the importance of learning the language spoken in the family. Through learning Chinese, children can also learn about cultures.


Melissa Lee - CEO & Founder


Tel:        +44 7305 030596

Dr Irene Lau - Co-founder & CEO of Asia Pacific Region


Tel:        +44 7379 177888  (WhatsApp Only)


​Registered in England​

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VAT Registration Number:

329 491 183

Cambridge Office

St John’s Innovation Centre,

Cowley Road,



UK Education Garden is committed to donating part of our profits to support the development of Cambridge colleges, schools and meaningful childrens' projects. 

© Copyright 2024 by UK Education Garden LTD. All right reserved.

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