The following resources are the latest information which would help you in your careers planning.
Department of Education. 2017. Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Nov. 2018].
Gatsby.2014. Good career guidance. London: The Gatsby Charitable Foundation
Gatsby. 2018. Good career guidance, A handbook for Secondary School. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Nov. 2018].
National Careers Council. 2013. An Aspirational Nation: Creating a culture change in careers provision. England: NCC
Ofsted. 2013. Going in the right direction? Careers guidance in schools, from September 2012. Manchester: Crown.
Ofsted (2016). School Inspection. Manchester: Crown
Ofsted (2016). Getting ready for work. Manchester: Crown
Ofsted (2018). School inspection handbook. Manchester: Crown
Long, R. & Hubble, S. (2018). Careers guidance in schools, colleges and universities. London: The House of Commons
UCAS. (2018). Careers adviser. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jul. 2018].